tisdag, juni 20, 2006


Lånade Awakening Cry av Pete Grieg från Helena. Den är alldeles särskilt bra, och nyss läste jag något som kändes alldeles särskilt viktigt...

"As we prepare the way of the Lord in our churches we will have to embrace change, to develop wineskins that can host the new wine of the coming revival. For if we will only pay the price of reform, there is every possibility that the next Great Awakening could last to usher in the end of the age. However, if our structures remain inflexible, unbiblical and impractical, God's precious new wine will come and go in a single season, unable to bless beyond a single generation. In this respect reformation and revival must walk hand in hand."


"Sadly the Reformation ideal of the priesthood of all believers has never really been practised by Protestant or Chatolic traditions which, to this day, build churches around a single professional leader. When churches only really recognise a single "priest" they limit themselves to a single expression of church, incomplete ministry and burnt-out leaders, unable to truly empower members to build church at a personal level day to day. I am convinced that this challenge of fundamentally remodelling church around the ministry of every member is one of the great Everests awaiting the Christian community in the twenty-first century."

Vill verkligen inte dö innan det händer något märkvärdigt med Sverige. Det gör så otroligt ont ibland... Sverige...

1 kommentar:

laura sa...

hey girl!
miss you loads,
hope you have settled back to sweden well.
and hope to see you soon!